The Brock Niagara Falls hits New York City Times Square

CP_NEWExterior2012.530x360On Thursday July 24th, 2014, photographs captured last August at The Brock in Niagara Falls will be displayed on a huge video screen overlooking New York City’s Time Square as part of a display by See.Me, an international web-based arts organization.

“This coming Thursday July 24th for one hour from 8 to 9 p.m., See.Me purchased the huge display screen. The billboard will show the work of 500 artists from around the world. Two of the pictures being included in the display were taken a year ago at The Brock in Niagara Falls.

The pictures snapped during the Crowne photo shoot also went on to garner inclusion on the website of a prestigious fashion magazine, Vogue Italia. See.Me also featured the pictures in art galleries in New York City and Paris, France.